there is always a new word to be said, a new thing to be designed, a new idea to be supported, a new story to be told. by creating, we can ensure that all these innovations come to life. and we can make all these sustainable by benefiting while creating. 

as another voice and another set of eyes, we can add value to the words you share, the innovations you design, the ideas you seek support for and the stories you want to tell.

together we can heal the world with beautiful possibilities against brutal realities.


position and create affective written content and strong visual identity.

define audience, conduct a review of marketing and communications to create positive social and environmental change.

develop strategy, visual identity and messaging that align with your purpose, values and missions.


one square meter was one of the 20 companies selected globally in the guide for circular economy business opportunities in the fashion/textile sector prepared in cooperation with “sustainable production and consumption regional action center (SCP/RAC)” and “business world and sustainable development association (BCSD turkey)” operating in barcelona within the scope of the united nations environment program (UNEP) mediterranean action plan in 2020.

In the report, it was included under the title of 'slow fashion with full control over the supply chain', which is one of the strategies of 'transition to circular supply and renewable resource use' with its work in the field of 'slow fashion, environmentally friendly materials and techniques'.


as a reflection of our perspective on life, our academic background and experiences, we share our independent and authentic content in the literary field under the roof of several digital mediums.